
Falcon® Desktop Utility for Windows® CE
4400 Series with Windows
Figure B-5. Add a New Hot Key
Table B-6. Adding a New Hot Key Dialog
3. Select/tap OK to save the New Hot Key. If you select/tap X, the key will
not be saved.
Internet Explorer Configuration
Tap the IE (Internet Explorer) tab to access the IE Configuration option. Use the
IE Error Redirection option to provide customized recovery from common IE
errors. When an error occurs, the browser can redirect access to a specified
error page with instructions on how to recover from the problem.
Command Description
Enter Key Enter the desired key combination in this text box to define a Hot Key.
OK Select/tap OK to add the specified Hot Key.
X Select/tap X to cancel the specified Hot Key.
Make sure you do not attempt to add a Hot Key that is already defined.
It is possible for the keyboard wedge to activate assigned Hot Keys using alpha-
numeric characters. Bar codes containing characters associated with assigned
Hot Keys will trigger the action or application assigned to that Hot Key.