
OCR Configuration
Product Reference Guide F-39
Table F-7. Template Characters
Template examples can be found in Table F-8 . Template characters are shown
in hexadecimal format with spaces used as character delineators. The sample
column shows an example of an OCR string that matches the template for-
Table F-8. Single Template Examples
Character Hex Description
\A or \a 0x01 Represents any letter or number (A-Z, 0-9)
\C or \c 0x03 Represents a check digit
\D or \d 0x04 Represents any digit (0-9)
\E or \e 0x05 Represents any font character (A-Z, 0-9)
\G or \g 0x06 Custom character class 1 variable
CTL-H 0x07 Custom character class 2 variable
\R or \r 0x0A Represents start of new template
\L or \l 0x0C Represents any upper case character (A-Z)
\N or \n 0x0D Represents the start of a new row
SP to ‘7E’ 0x20 to 0x7E These characters represent themselves
Template (HEX) Sample Description
04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 A string of any 8 digits.
04 04 04 41 42 43 04 04 04
A string starting with any 3 digits, followed by
“ABC”, ending with any 3 digits
05 05 05 20 05 04 04 04
A string starting with any 3 digits, followed by a
space, followed by any character, and ending
with any 3 digits.
04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 03 A string of any 8 digits with check digit.