4400 Series with Windows
You may need to calibrate the touch screen. One way to know that the touch screen needs
to be calibrated is that you will notice that when you attempt to select one item with the sty-
lus, another item is erroneously selected.
A number used to verify the contents of a data file. This number is generated by calculating
the contents of the data. If the calculated checksum is different from the expected check-
sum, the data has errors in it.
CLSI, Inc. is the developer of the “LIBS 100 scanning and decoding system”. The “
vert to CLSI
” parameter refers to formatting a Codabar bar code label in the manner
defined by CLSI, Inc.
Concatenate To arrange (strings of characters) into a connected list.
A standardized part of the window that can be manipulated by the user to perform an
action or display information. The most common controls are buttons that allow the user to
select options and scroll bars that allow the user to move through a document or position
text in a window.
context sensitive
Tap “?” to open a help dialog about the specific windows application you are using. Context
sensitive help can tell where you are in a program and can provide assistance with the spe-
cific problems you might be having.
control panel
Control Panels are several different applets that allow you to configure the Falcon to meet
your specific requires. There are control panels for scanning, keyboard, display, etc.
Access the control panels at Start > Settings > Control Panel.
device manager
A tool to track all loaded device drivers and their interfaces. It issues notification of the
appearance, disappearance of device interfaces, loads and tracks drivers by reading and
writing registry values, and unloads drivers when their devices are no longer needed.
device partnership
A registry key on a
Windows CE device that a desktop computer uses to identify the
device when it is connected. The key defines values for synchronization, file conversions,
and backup and restore information, which enable multiple
Windows CE devices to con-
nect to the same desktop computer. A device partnership is created the first time you con-
nect a
Windows CE device to a host PC.
Broadly, software code or commands built into a device, as opposed to software that is
added. In a narrower sense, code that is typically stored in ROM and dedicated to either
controlling a device or providing a specific functionality.
Part of Datalogic Mobile’s
Falcon Management Utility (FMU) application for the Fal-
con that updates the operating system and applications automatically from a server using
the wireless network system.
firmware Operating System on the Falcon.