Configuring System Information 153
Viewing IPv6 Routes Table Parameters Using CLI Commands
The following table summarizes the equivalent CLI commands for setting fields displayed in the IPv6
Routes Table page.
The following is an example of the CLI commands:
Table 6-26. IPv6 Default Gateway CLI Commands
CLI Command Description
traceroute {ipv4-address | hostname} [
size packet_size] [ttl
max-ttl] [count packet_count] [timeout time_out] [source
ip-address] [tos tos]
Discovers the routes that IPv4 packets will
actually take when traveling to their destination.
traceroute ipv6 {ipv6-address | hostname} [size packet_size]
[ttl max-ttl] [count packet_count] [timeout time_out]
[source ip-address] [tos tos]
Discovers the routes that IPv6 packets will
actually take when traveling to their destination.
show ipv6 route Displays the current state of the ipv6 routing
Console> show ipv6 route
Codes: L - Local, S - Static, I - ICMP, ND - Router Advertisment
The number in the brackets is the metric.
S ::/0 via fe80::77 [0] VLAN 1 Lifetime Infinite
ND ::/0 via fe80::200:cff:fe4a:dfa8 [0] VLAN 1 Lifetime 1784 sec
L 2001::/64 is directly connected, g2 Lifetime Infinite
L 2002:1:1:1::/64 is directly connected, VLAN 1 Lifetime 2147467 sec
L 3001::/64 is directly connected, VLAN 1 Lifetime Infinite
L 4004::/64 is directly connected, VLAN 1 Lifetime Infinite
L 6001::/64 is directly connected, g2 Lifetime Infinite