376 Configuring Switch Information
Defining Voice VLAN Global Parameters Using CLI Commands
The following table summarizes the equivalent CLI command for defining Voice VLAN global parameters.
The following is an example of some of the CLI commands:
Table 7-33. Voice VLAN Global Parameters CLI Commands
CLI Command Description
voice vlan id vlan-id
no voice vlan id
To enable the voice VLAN and to configure the voice VLAN ID, use the
voice vlan id command in global configuration mode. To disable the
voice VLAN, enter the no form of this command.
voice vlan cos cos
no voice vlan cos
To set the voice VLAN Class Of Service, use the voice vlan cos
command in global configuration mode. To return to default, use the
no form of this command.
voice vlan aging-timeout minutes
no voice aging-timeout
To set the voice VLAN aging timeout, use the voice vlan aging-timeout
command in global configuration mode. To return to default, use the
no form of this command.
voice vlan enable Use the voice vlan enable interface configuration command to enable
automatic voice VLAN configuration for a port. Use the no form of this
command to disable automatic voice VLAN configuration.
show voice vlan [ ethernet interface |
port-channel port-channel-number ]
Use the show voice vlan EXEC command to display the voice VLAN
Switch# show voice
Aging timeout: 1440
OUI table
MAC Address - Prefix Description
00:E0:BB 3COM
00:03:6B Cisco
00:E0:75 Veritel
00:D0:1E Pingtel
00:01:E3 Siemens
00:60:B9 NEC/Philips