26 Windows Management Instrumentation
or limited, can be granted to users on per-namespace basis. There is no
implementation of class
or property-level security. By default, users that are
members of the administrators group have full local and remote access to
WMI security can be configured using the WMI Control available in the
Computer Management console under the Services and Applications
section. Right
-click WMI Control, and then click Properties. You can
configure namespace
-specific security from the Security tab. WMI Control
can also be executed from the Start menu or the command prompt by
running wmimgmt.msc.
NOTE: To connect remotely to WMI services, you must have administrative rights
for both the local and the remote systems.
NOTE: In Microsoft Windows XP, the default authentication level is changed from
CONNECT to PACKET level. This results in a backward compatibility problem with
Windows 2000. Systems running Windows 2000 need to have Service Pack 2
installed to be able to connect to WMI on systems running Windows XP.
Retrieving Dell Information With SMS 2.0
Due to inherent limitations, Microsoft Systems Management Server (SMS)
2.0 can only retrieve information from the root\cimv2 namespace. OMCI
provides information in the root\dellomci namespace. However, to make
certain key attributes available to SMS, OMCI duplicates them in the
root\cimv2 namespace. For Dell systems running OMCI, you can import the
following system attributes into SMS 2.0:
• Service tag
• Asset tag
• System vendor
• System description
• Basic input/output (BIOS) revision
• BIOS date
• Processor type
• Processor speed