Sample Scripts and BIOS Settings 53
'*** Initialize variables
strNameSpace = "root/Dellomci"
strComputerName = WScript.Arguments(0)
strClassName = "Dell_IndicationStaticValues"
strPropName = "MaxDisplayNotifications"
'*** Establish a connection to the DellOMCI namespace
Set objWMIService =
&_ "AuthenticationLevel=pktprivacy}\\" &
strComputerName & "\" &_ strNameSpace)
'*** Retrieve the instances of
'***Dell_IndicationStaticValues class (there should
be 16 instances – one for each alert type).
Set ColSystem=objWMIService.execquery ("Select * from
" & strClassName)
For each objInstance in ColSystem
'*** Set the value of MaxDisplayNotifications to'0'
'*** Set the new value for the property and save the
objInstance.Properties_.Item(strPropName).Value = 0
objInstance.Put_ Next
'*** If any errors occurred, let the user know.
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
WScript.Echo "The change to the property failed."
End If
'*** Sub used to display the correct usage of the
Sub Usage()
Dim strMessage