Component Descriptions 41
PC Card %ProgramFiles%\Dell\Open
Manage\ Client\dpccard.dll
Data-provider DLL that gives
information about the PC Cards
(removable I/O cards such as a modem,
local area network [LAN],
synchronous RAM [SRAM], or flash
memory card) present in a system.
PCI %ProgramFiles%\Dell\Open
Manage\ Client\dpci.dll
Data-provider DLL that gives
information about Peripheral
Component Interconnect (PCI)
devices, PCI-PCI bridges, and PCI-
Card bus bridges present in a system.
pcidb.txt %ProgramFiles%\Dell\Open
Lists most of the PCI devices in the
dcpcidev.txt %ProgramFiles%\Dell\Open
Dell specific PCI device list.
Manage\ Client\dsysInfo.dll
Data-provider DLL that provides
system-specific information not
available through other data-provider
Events DLL %ProgramFiles%\Dell\Open
Manage\ Client\DEvents.dll
DLL that has a collection of
Component Object Model (COM)
Objects, each assigned to a specific
event. The event modules
communicate with IAP and other
components, for information about
the system to determine if the user or
administrator needs notification.
Monitor %ProgramFiles%\Dell\Open
Manage\ Client\dmonitor.dll
Data-provider DLL that provides
information about the monitor(s)
attached to the system.
Table 5-1. Instrumentation Component Information (continued)
Component Default Location or File Name Functional Information