Configuration and Image Files 111
Copy Character Descriptions:
Copying image file from a Server to Flash Memory
Use the
copy source-url image
command to copy an image file from a server to Flash memory.
Copying boot file from a Server to Flash Memory
Use the
copy source-url boot
command to copy a boot file from a server to Flash memory.
Copying a Configuration File from a Server to the Running Configuration
Use the
copy source-url running-config
command to load a "configuration file" from a
network server to the device "running configuration". The configuration is added to the
"running configuration" as if the commands were typed in the command-line interface (CLI).
The resulting configuration file is a combination of the previous "running configuration" and
the loaded "configuration file", with the loaded "configuration file" having precedence.
Copying a Configuration File from a Server to the Startup Configuration
Use the
copy source-url startup-config
command to copy a "configuration file" from a
network server to the device "startup configuration". These commands replace the startup
configuration file with the copied configuration file.
Storing the Running or Startup Configuration on a Server
Use the copy
command to copy the current configuration file
to a network server using TFTP. Use the copy
command to
copy the "startup configuration" file to a network server.
The configuration file copy can serve as a backup copy.
Saving the Running Configuration to the Startup Configuration
Use the copy
command to copy the "running configuration" to
the "startup configuration".
Backup the Running Configuration or Startup Configuration to the Backup Configuration
Use the copy
running-config file
command to backup the running configuration to a backup
configuration file. Use the copy
startup-config file
command to backup the startup
configuration a backup configuration file
Character Description
! For network transfers, an exclamation point indicates that the copy process is taking
place. Each exclamation point indicates the successful transfer of ten packets (512 bytes
. For network transfers, a period indicates that the copy process timed out. Many periods
in a row typically mean that the copy process may fail.