346 VLAN Commands
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Command Mode
Interface configuration (Ethernet, port-channel) mode
User Guidelines
• This command has the following consequences: incoming untagged frames are assigned to
this VLAN and outgoing traffic in this VLAN on this port is sent untagged (despite the
normal situation where traffic sent from a trunk-mode port is all tagged).
The following example shows how to configure the PVID for g8, when the interface is in general
switchport general ingress-filtering disable
switchport general ingress-filtering disable
Interface Configuration mode command disables
port ingress filtering. To enable ingress filtering on a port, use the
form of this command.
switchport general ingress-filtering
no switchport general ingress-filtering
Default Configuration
Ingress filtering is enabled.
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (Ethernet, port-channel) mode
User Guidelines
• There are no user guidelines for this command.
The following example shows how to enables port ingress filtering on g8.
Console (config)# interface ethernet g8
Console (config-if)# switchport general pvid 234
Console (config)# interface ethernet g8
Console (config-if)# switchport general ingress-filtering disable