230 RMON Commands
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The following example displays RMON Ethernet Statistics history for "throughput" on index
number 5.
The following example displays RMON Ethernet Statistics history for "errors" on index number 5.
The following example displays RMON Ethernet Statistics history for "other" on index number 5.
Console# show rmon history 5 throughput
Sample Set: 1 Owner: CLI
Interface: g1 Interval: 1800
Requested samples: 50 Granted samples: 50
Maximum table size: 500
Time Octets Packets Broadcast Multicast %
------------------ --------- ------- ---------- --------- -----
Jan 18 2002 21:57:00 303595962 357568 3289 7287 19.98%
Jan 18 2002 21:57:30 287696304 275686 2789 2789 20.17%
Console# show rmon history 5 errors
Sample Set: 1 Owner: CLI
Interface: g1 Interval: 1800
Requested samples: 50 Granted samples: 50
Maximum table size: 500
Time CRC Align Undersize Oversize Fragments Jabbers
------------------ --------- --------- -------- --------- -------
Jan 18 2002 21:57:00 1 1 49 0 0
Jan 18 2002 21:57:30 1 1 27 0 0