1404 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide
Syslog messages
Notification Local ICMP exceeds <burst-max> burst
packets, stopping for <lockup> seconds!!
The number of ICMP packets exceeds the
<burst-max> threshold set by the ip icmp
burst command. The Dell PowerConnect
device may be the victim of a Denial of
Service (DoS) attack.
All ICMP packets will be dropped for the
number of seconds specified by the
<lockup> value. When the lockup period
expires, the packet counter is reset and
measurement is restarted.
Notification Local TCP exceeds <burst-max> burst
packets, stopping for <lockup> seconds!!
The number of TCP SYN packets exceeds
the <burst-max> threshold set by the ip tcp
burst command. The Dell PowerConnect
device may be the victim of a TCP SYN DoS
All TCP SYN packets will be dropped for the
number of seconds specified by the
<lockup> value. When the lockup period
expires, the packet counter is reset and
measurement is restarted.
Notification Local TCP exceeds <num> burst packets,
stopping for <num> seconds!!
Threshold parameters for local TCP traffic
on the device have been configured, and
the maximum burst size for TCP packets
has been exceeded.
The first <num> is the maximum burst size
(maximum number of packets allowed).
The second <num> is the number of
seconds during which additional TCP
packets will be blocked on the device.
NOTE: This message can occur in response
to an attempted TCP SYN attack.
Notification MAC Authentication RADIUS timeout for
<mac_address> on port <port_id>
The RADIUS session has timed out for the
MAC address for this port.
Notification MAC Authentication succeeded for
<mac-address> on <portnum>
RADIUS authentication was successful for
the specified <mac-address> on the
specified <portnum>.
Notification Module was inserted to slot <slot-num> Indicates that a module was inserted into a
chassis slot.
The <slot-num> is the number of the
chassis slot into which the module was
Notification Module was removed from slot <slot-num> Indicates that a module was removed from
a chassis slot.
The <slot-num> is the number of the
chassis slot from which the module was
TABLE 239 Syslog messages (Continued)
Message level Message Explanation