628 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide
Configuring RIP
When you enable redistribution, all IP static routes are redistributed by default. If you want to deny
certain routes from being redistributed into RIP, configure deny filters for those routes before you
enable redistribution. You can configure up to 64 RIP redistribution filters. They are applied in
ascending numerical order.
The default redistribution action is still permit, even after you configure and apply redistribution
filters to the port. If you want to tightly control redistribution, apply a filter to deny all routes as the
last filter (filter ID 64), then apply filters with lower filter IDs to allow specific routes.
To configure a redistribution filter, enter a command such as the following.
PowerConnect(config-rip-router)#deny redistribute 1 static address
This command denies redistribution of all 207.92.x.x IP static routes.
Syntax: [no] permit | deny redistribute <filter-num> static address <ip-addr> <ip-mask>
[match-metric <value> | set-metric <value>]
The <filter-num> specifies the redistribution filter ID. Specify a number from 1 – 64. The software
uses the filters in ascending numerical order. Thus, if filter 1 denies a route from being
redistributed, the software does not redistribute that route even if a filter with a higher ID permits
redistribution of the route.
The address <ip-addr> <ip-mask> parameters apply redistribution to the specified network and
subnet address. Use 0 to specify “any”. For example, ““ means “any
207.92.x.x subnet”. However, to specify any subnet (all subnets match the filter), enter “address”.
The match-metric <value> parameter applies redistribution to those routes with a specific metric
value; possible values are from 1 – 15.
The set-metric <value> parameter sets the RIP metric value that will be applied to the routes
imported into RIP.
The set-metric parameter does not apply to static routes.
The following command denies redistribution of a 207.92.x.x IP static route only if the route metric
is 5.
PowerConnect(config-rip-router)#deny redistribute 2 static address match-metric 5
The following commands deny redistribution of all routes except routes for 10.10.10.x and
PowerConnect(config-rip-router)#deny redistribute 64 static address
PowerConnect(config-rip-router)#permit redistribute 1 static address
PowerConnect(config-rip-router)#permit redistribute 2 static address
Enabling redistribution
After you configure redistribution parameters, you need to enable redistribution.