154 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide
Stack mismatches
Stack mismatches
When a stack mismatch occurs, the Active Controller can put any stack member into a
non-operational state, which disables all of the ports except the stacking ports. Stack mismatches
can occur for a variety of reasons, which are discussed in this section.
The Active Controller can still download an image to the non-operational unit.
The Active Controller generates a log message whenever it puts a stack unit into a non-operational
state. The following examples describe the types of mismatches and the related log message:
• Advanced feature mismatch - The Active Controller is enabled for advanced features (such as
BGP) and the stack unit is not enabled.
Stack: Unit 2 00e0.1020.0100 doesn’t have the matching advanced feature
• Image mismatch - A stack unit is running a different software image than that of the Active
Stack: Unit 2 00c0.1020.0100 image mismatch
• Configuration mismatch - The module configuration for a stack unit does not match the
reserved configuration on the Active Controller.
Stack: Unit 2 00e0.1020.0100 config mismatch
• Memory allocation mismatch - The Active Controller does not have enough memory to
accommodate the stack unit.
Stack: Malloc failure for unit 2.00e0.1020.0100
These mismatches are described in the following sections.
Image mismatches
Advanced feature privileges (PowerConnect B-Series FCX )
For PowerConnect B-Series FCX stack units, advanced feature privileges must be enabled to run
advanced features such as BGP. Both Active and Standby units must be enabled for advanced
features for these features to operate across the stack. A unit that is not enabled for these features
is put into a non-operational state.
If the Active Controller is not enabled for advanced features, these features will not operate on the
IronStack technology requires that all stack units run the same version of the software image. In
cases where the software version differs, there are two levels of mismatch, major and minor.