108 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide
Building an IronStack
Scenario 3 - Configuring a three-member IronStack
in a ring topology using the manual configuration process
For more detailed information about configuring an PowerConnect B-Series FCX IronStack, see
“Configuring an FCX IronStack” on page 109
Follow the steps given below to configure a three-member IronStack in a ring topology using the
manual configuration process.
1. Power on the devices. Do not connect the stacking cables at this point.
2. Assign a priority of 255 to unit 1, and a priority of 240 to unit 3 using the priority command. You
do not have to assign a priority to the third device. Enter the stack enable command on each
device. In this example, device 1 will be the Active Controller and device 2 will be the Standby
Unit 1
PowerConnect# config t
PowerConnect(config)# stack unit 1
PowerConnect(config-unit-1)# priority 255
PowerConnect(config-unit-1)# stack enable
Enable stacking. This unit actively participates in stacking
PowerConnect(config-unit-1)# write memory
Write startup-config done.
PowerConnect(config-unit-1)# Flash Memory Write (8192 bytes per dot) .Flash to
Flash Done.
PowerConnect(config-unit-1)# end
Unit 2
PowerConnect# config t
PowerConnectconfig)# stack enable
Enable stacking. This unit actively participates in stacking
PowerConnect(config)# Handle election, was standalone --> member,
assigned-ID=2, T=261285 ms.
Write startup-config done.
FCX624-STK Switch(config-unit-1)# Flash Memory Write (8192 bytes per dot)
.Flash to Flash Done.
PowerConnect(config-unit-1)# end
PowerConnect# config t
Unit 3
PowerConnect# config t
PowerConnect(config)# stack unit 1
PowerConnect(config-unit-1)# priority 240
PowerConnect(config-unit-1)# stack enable
Enable stacking. This unit actively participates in stacking
PowerConnect(config-unit-1)# end
3. Connect the devices in a stack topology. The Active Controller will retain its ID. The rest of the
units are assigned unique ID numbers depending on the sequence in which you connected