PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 115
Building an IronStack
Stack unit 3 Power supply 1 is up
Stack unit 3 Power supply 2 is down
Config changed due to add/del units. Do write mem if you want to keep it
Election, was active, no role change, assigned-ID=1, total 3 units, my
Config changed due to add/del units. Do write mem if you want to keep it
PowerConnect# show stack
alone: standalone, D: dynamic config, S: static config
ID Type Role Mac Address Pri State Comment
1 S FCX624 active 001b.f2e5.0100 128 local Ready
2 D FCX648 standby 0012.f2d6.0511 0 remote Ready
3 D FCX624 member 0200.9999.0000 0 remote Ready
standby active
+---+ +---+ +---+
| 3 |3/1--3/1| 2 |2/1--2/1| 1 |
+---+ +---+ +---+
Current stack management MAC is 001b.f2e5.0100
PowerConnect# write mem
Write startup-config done.
PowerConnect# Flash Memory Write (8192 bytes per dot) .Flash to Flash Done.
PowerConnect#show stack
alone: standalone, D: dynamic config, S: static config
ID Type Role Mac Address Pri State Comment
1 S FCX624 active 001b.f2e5.0100 128 local Ready
2 S FCX648 standby 0012.f2d6.0511 0 remote Ready
3 S FCX624 member 0200.9999.0000 0 remote Ready
standby active
+---+ +---+ +---+
| 3 |3/1--3/1| 2 |2/1--2/1| 1 |
+---+ +---+ +---+
Current stack management MAC is 001b.f2e5.0100
Configuring a default stacking port to function as
a data port
You can configure one of the two default stacking ports as a stacking port and the other port as a
regular data port. By default, the 4-byte Ethernet preamble for the Ethernet frame is used when a
port is configured as a default stacking port. This is done to compensate for extra overhead caused
by stacking protocol. To use a default stacking port as a regular data port, the Ethernet preamble
must be set to 8 bytes.
To configure a default port to use the long preamble, enter the following command at the Interface
level of the CLI:
PowerConnect(config)#int e 1/2/1
Syntax: [no] longpreamble