PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 51
Configuring basic port parameters
Syntax: show link-error-disable [all]
The line “Link Error Dampening” displays “Enabled” if port flap dampening is enabled on the port
or “Disabled” if the feature is disabled on the port. The feature is enabled on the ports in the two
examples above. Also, the characters “ERR-DISABLED” is displayed for the “GbpsEthernet” line if
the port is disabled because of link errors.
Syntax: show interface ethernet <port-number>
The ERR-DIS entry under the “Link” column indicates the port is down due to link errors.
Syslog messages for port flap dampening
The following Syslog messages are generated for port flap dampening.
• If the threshold for the number of times that a port link toggles from “up” to “down” then
“down” to “up” has been exceeded, the following Syslog message is displayed.
0d00h02m10s:I:ERR_DISABLE: Link flaps on port ethernet 16 exceeded threshold;
port in err-disable state
• If the wait time (port is down) expires and the port is brought up the following Syslog message
is displayed.
0d00h02m41s:I:ERR_DISABLE: Interface ethernet 16, err-disable recovery timeout
State The port state can be one of the following:
• Idle – The link is normal and no link state toggles have been
detected or sampled.
• Down – The port is disabled because the number of sampled errors
exceeded the configured threshold.
• Err – The port sampled one or more errors.
• If the port state is Idle, this field displays N/A.
• If the port state is Down, this field shows the remaining value of the
shutoff timer.
• If the port state is Err, this field shows the number of errors
TABLE 10 Output of show link-error-disable (Continued)
This column... Displays...
PowerConnect# show interface ethernet 15
GigabitEthernet15 is up, line protocol is up
Link Error Dampening is Enabled
Hardware is GigabitEthernet, address is 00e0.5200.010e (bia 00e0.5200.010e)
Configured speed auto, actual 1Gbit, configured duplex fdx, actual fdx
Configured mdi mode AUTO, actual MDIX
PowerConnect# show interface ethernet 17
GigabitEthernet17 is ERR-DISABLED, line protocol is down
Link Error Dampening is Enabled
Hardware is GigabitEthernet, address is 00e0.5200.010e (bia 00e0.5200.010e)
Configured speed auto, actual unknown, configured duplex fdx, actual unknown