NOTE: The Storage ROMB battery settings are available only if the system has a ROMB with a
• Fan (available only for rack and tower servers) — Provides information about the system fans —fan
redundancy and fans list that display fan speed and threshold values.
• CPU — Indicates the health and state of the CPUs in the managed system. It also reports processor
automatic throttling and predictive failure.
• Memory — Indicates the health and state of the Dual In-line Memory Modules (DIMMs) present in the
managed system.
• Intrusion— Provides information about the chassis.
• Power Supplies (available only for rack and tower servers) — Provides information about the power
supplies and the power supply redundancy status.
NOTE: If there is only one power supply in the system, the power supply redundancy is set to
• Removable Flash Media — Provides information about the Internal SD Modules—vFlash and Internal
Dual SD Module (IDSDM).
– When IDSDM redundancy is enabled, the following IDSDM sensor status is displayed—IDSDM
Redundancy Status, IDSDM SD1, IDSDM SD2. When redundancy is disabled, only IDSDM SD1 is
– If IDSDM redundancy is initially disabled when the system is powered on or after an iDRAC reset,
the IDSDM SD1 sensor status is displayed only after a card is inserted.
– If IDSDM redundancy is enabled with two SD cards present in the IDSDM, and the status of one SD
card is online while the status of the other card is offline. A system reboot is required to restore
redundancy between the two SD cards in the IDSDM. After the redundancy is restored, the status
of both the SD cards in the IDSDM is online.
– During the rebuilding operation to restore redundancy between two SD cards present in the
IDSDM, the IDSDM status is not displayed since the IDSDM sensors are powered off.
NOTE: If the host system is rebooted during IDSDM rebuild operation, the iDRAC does not
display the IDSDM information. To resolve this, rebuild IDSDM again or reset the iDRAC.
– System Event Logs (SEL) for a write-protected or corrupt SD card in the IDSDM module are not
repeated until they are cleared by replacing the SD card with a writable or good SD card,
• Temperature — Provides information about the system board inlet temperature and exhaust
temperature (only applies to rack servers). The temperature probe indicates whether the status of the
probe is within the pre-set warning and critical threshold value.
• Voltage — Indicates the status and reading of the voltage sensors on various system components.
The following table provides how to view the sensor information using iDRAC Web interface and
RACADM. For information about the properties that are displayed on the Web interface, see the iDRAC
Online Help for the respective pages.
Table 9. Sensor Information Using Web Interface and RACADM
View Sensor Information For Using Web Interface Using RACADM
Overview → Hardware →
Use the getsensorinfo
For power supplies, you can also
use the System.Power.Supply
command with the get