Scheduling Automatic Firmware Update Using RACADM
To schedule automatic firmware update, use the following commands:
• To enable automatic firmware update:
racadm set lifecycleController.lcattributes.AutoUpdate.Enable 1
• To view the status of automatic firmware update:
racadm get lifecycleController.lcattributes.AutoUpdate
• To schedule the start time and frequency of the firmware update:
racadm AutoUpdateScheduler create -u username –p password –l <location> [-f
catalogfilename -pu <proxyuser> -pp<proxypassword> -po <proxy port> -pt
<proxytype>] -time < hh:mm> [-dom < 1 – 28,L,’*’> -wom <1-4,L,’*’> -dow <sun-
sat,’*’>] -rp <1-366> -a <applyserverReboot (1-enabled | 0-disabled)>
For example,
– To automatically update firmware using a CIFS share:
racadm AutoUpdateScheduler create -u admin -p pwd -l //
–f cat.xml -time 14:30 -wom 1 -dow sun -rp 5 -a 1
– To automatically update firmware using FTP:
racadm AutoUpdateScheduler create -u admin -p pwd -l ftp.mytest.com -pu
puser –pp puser –po 8080 –pt http –f cat.xml -time 14:30 -wom 1 -dow sun -
rp 5 -a 1
• To view the current firmware update schedule:
racadm AutoUpdateScheduler view
• To disable automatic firmware update:
racadm set lifecycleController.lcattributes.AutoUpdate.Enable 0
• To clear the schedule details:
racadm AutoUpdateScheduler clear
Updating Firmware Using CMC Web Interface
You can update iDRAC firmware for blade servers using the CMC Web interface.
To update iDRAC firmware using the CMC Web interface:
1. Log in to CMC Web interface.
2. Go to Server → Overview → <server name>.
The Server Status page is displayed.
3. Click Launch iDRAC Web interface and perform iDRAC Firmware Update.
Related Links
Updating Device Firmware
Downloading Device Firmware
Updating Firmware Using iDRAC Web Interface
Updating Firmware Using DUP
Before you update firmware using Dell Update Package (DUP), make sure to:
• Install and enable the IPMI and managed system drivers.
• Enable and start the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) service if your system is running
Windows operating system,