Interface or
Reference Guide available at dell.com/support/manuals. For details about SMCLP,
see Using SMCLP.
NOTE: Telnet is not a secure protocol and is disabled by default. Telnet
transmits all data, including passwords in plain text. When transmitting
sensitive information, use the SSH interface.
SSH Use SSH to run RACADM and SMCLP commands. It provides the same capabilities
as the Telnet console using an encrypted transport layer for higher security. The
SSH service is enabled by default on iDRAC. The SSH service can be disabled in
iDRAC. iDRAC only supports SSH version 2 with DSA and the RSA host key
algorithm. A unique 1024-bit DSA and 1024-bit RSA host key is generated when
you power-up iDRAC for the first time.
IPMITool Use the IPMITool to access the remote system’s basic management features
through iDRAC. The interface includes local IPMI, IPMI over LAN, IPMI over Serial,
and Serial over LAN. For more information on IPMITool, see the Dell OpenManage
Baseboard Management Controller Utilities User’s Guide at dell.com/support/
NOTE: IPMI version 1.5 is not supported.
VMCLI Use the Virtual Media Command Line Interface (VMCLI) to access a remote media
through the management station and deploy operating systems on multiple
managed systems.
SMCLP Use Server Management Workgroup Server Management-Command Line Protocol
(SMCLP) to perform systems management tasks. This is available through SSH or
Telnet. For more information about SMCLP, see Using SMCLP.
WS-MAN The LC-Remote Services is based on the WS-Management protocol to do one-to-
many systems management tasks. You must use WS-MAN client such as WinRM
client (Windows) or the OpenWSMAN client (Linux) to use the LC-Remote Services
functionality. You can also use Power Shell and Python to script to the WS-MAN
Web Services for Management (WS-Management) is a Simple Object Access
Protocol (SOAP)–based protocol used for systems management. iDRAC uses WS–
Management to convey Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF) Common
Information Model (CIM)–based management information. The CIM information
defines the semantics and information types that can be modified in a managed
system. The data available through WS-Management is provided by iDRAC
instrumentation interface mapped to the DMTF profiles and extension profiles.
For more information, see the following:
• Lifecycle Controller-Remote Services User’s Guide available at dell.com/
• Lifecycle Controller Integration Best Practices Guide available at dell.com/
• Lifecycle Controller page on Dell TechCenter — delltechcenter.com/page/
• Lifecycle Controller WS-Management Script Center — delltechcenter.com/
• MOFs and Profiles — delltechcenter.com/page/DCIM.Library