
Hard-disk drive activity: Blinking green light as the drive is being accessed.
Battery status:
Solid green light when the battery is fully charged.
Blinking green light when the battery is charging.
No light when the battery is discharging.
Solid amber light when the battery charge is low (7 percent life
Blinking amber light when the battery charge is critically low (1.5 per-
cent life remaining). The system beeps when this level is first reached.
Floppy disk drive activity: Blinking green light as the drive is being
CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive activity: Blinking green light as the drive is
being accessed.
The battery charge gauge (see Figure 1-5) on the rear of the main and second-
ary batteries has five charge-level indicator lights that indicate how much
battery charge remains. Each light indicates approximately 25 percent battery
charge. Press the status button to the right of the lights to check the total bat-
tery charge. If none of the lights are on, the battery has no charge left.
system power hard-disk
drive activity
battery status