
System Overview 1-7
The Save-to-disk option under Suspend Mode copies all system data to a
reserved area on the hard-disk drive and then turns off all power to the com-
puter. When you resume normal operation, the same programs will be running
and the same files will be open that were loaded before you activated this
mode. Use Save-to-disk suspend mode to conserve battery power or to pre-
serve system data by quickly saving it to the hard-disk drive if you are about to
run out of battery power.
Table 1-1 lists the interrupt assignments.
IRQ0 Generated by the system timer
IRQ1 Generated by the keyboard controller to signal that the keyboard
output buffer is full
IRQ2 Cascade to second interrupt controller
IRQ3 Reserved
IRQ4 Used by the communications port (COM1)
IRQ5 Used by the audio controller
IRQ6 Generated by the diskette drive controller to indicate that the
diskette drive requires the attention of the microprocessor
IRQ7 Used by the parallel port
IRQ8 Generated by the system real-time clock
IRQ9 Free
IRQ10 Generated by the USB
IRQ11 Generated by the cardbus controller
IRQ12 Generated by the keyboard controller to indicate that the output
buffer of the integrated touch pad or external PS/2 mouse is full
IRQ13 Used by the math coprocessor on the microprocessor
IRQ14 Generated by the hard-disk drive to indicate that the drive
requires the attention of the microprocessor
IRQ15 Generated by the secondary IDE controller (CD-ROM drive or
DVD-ROM drive) to indicate that the drive requires attention of
the microprocessor