The thermal shield serves as a heat shield for the system board, as well as an
EMI fence for the processor board.
This procedure assumes that you have removed the keyboard. To remove the
thermal shield, follow these steps (see Figure 4-22):
1. Remove the hinge covers.
Open the computer to 170 degrees, supporting the display assembly. From
the outside edge of the unit, carefully insert a flat-blade screwdriver or
scribe into the space on the inside of the hinge cover. Bring the tool against
the front wall of the hinge cover and pull toward the keyboard to loosen the
plastic snaps at the back of the hinge cover. Move the tool to the inside top
of the hinge cover and lift the hinge cover off. If the hinge covers are tight,
use a plastic wedge or scribe to loosen and pop them off.
Be careful not to accidentally turn on the computer when removing the left
hinge cover.
thermal shield
4-mm screws (5)