Introduction 17
The Dell PowerVault NX3500 clustered network attached storage (NAS)
system is a high-availability storage solution. The solution aggregates multiple
NAS controllers in a cluster and presents them to UNIX, Linux, and
Microsoft Windows clients as one virtual file server.
About This Document
This document provides information on the features available to the storage
administrator. It is organized as follows.
Chapter Description
Introduction Provides information on the PowerVault NX3500 cluster
solution architecture and features.
Setting Up Your
PowerVault NX3500
Provides instructions on setting up the PowerVault NX3500, the
various topologies, and cabling options. It also includes the
detailed setup procedure and available configuration options.
Accessing the Dell
PowerVault NAS
Provides an overview of the NAS Manager web console and
instructions for accessing it.
PowerVault NX3500
Provides descriptions and procedures for monitoring the
PowerVault NX3500.
PowerVault NX3500
Provides procedures for searching events and defining queries.
Using Volumes,
Shares, and Quotas
Provides instructions for managing NAS volumes, shares,
and quotas.
Protecting Data on
PowerVault NX3500
Provides procedures for configuring data protection options
such as, snapshots, replication, and backup agent.