182 Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting DNS Configurations
Determining the IQN of the PowerVault NX3500 Controllers Using CLI
Troubleshooting RX and TX Pause Warning Messages
Description Unable to connect to the PowerVault NX3500 using the system
name and/or unable to resolve host names.
Cause Probable causes may be:
• Unable to ping system using Fully Qualified Domain
Name (FQDN).
• Unable to connect to the NAS Manager using system name.
Workaround 1
Verify that the client IP information is set correctly.
Verify that the PowerVault NX3500 controller is configured to the
correct DNS server.
Contact DNS server administrator to verify the DNS record creation.
Description Determining the IQN of the PowerVault NX3500 controllers
using CLI.
Workaround Using an ssh client and the NAS Management VIP, log in to the
PowerVault NX3500 solution CLI as an admin.
From the command line type the following command:
system maintenance luns iscsi-
configuration view
Description The following warning messages may be displayed when the NAS
Manager reports connectivity in a Not Optimal state:
Rx_pause for eth(x) on node 1 is off.
Tx_pause for eth(x) on node 1 is off.
Cause Flow control is not enabled on the switch(es) connected to a
PowerVault NX3500 controller.
Workaround See the switch vendor's documentation to enable flow control on
the switch(es).