78 Monitoring PowerVault NX3500
Network Performance
The Network Performance page displays PowerVault NX3500 performance
over time. This page contains four tabs, each provides a different period. For
example, last day, last week, last month, and last year.
Client Network Throughput—Read or Write
At the top of the screen there are two graphs, Client Network Throughput—
Read and Client Network Throughput—Write. The graphs display
throughput information (read and write) by protocol.
Operations Per Second
The lower left side of the screen shows the operations per second (OPS)
graph. The graph displays OPS information per operation.
Table 4-7. OPS Information Per Operation
Network Aggregated Throughput
The lower right side of the screen shows the Network Aggregated Throughput
graph. The graph displays total network throughput by network.
Table 4-6. Network Performance Indicators
Color Protocol Description
Green CIFS Data read or written using the CIFS protocol (MBps)
Blue NFS Data read or written using the NFS protocol (MBps)
Purple Replication Data read or written by NAS replication (MBps)
Yellow NDMP Data read or written by backup and/or restore
Magenta Network Network and protocol overhead, for example,
metadata operations (MBps)
Color Operation Description
Green Read The number of read operations per second.
Blue Write The number of write operations per second.
Magenta Other The number of meta-data operations per second.