Configuring System Information 171
Apply Changes
The password constraints are defined, and the device is updated.
Defining Password Constraints Using CLI Commands
For information about the CLI commands that perform this function, see the
Password Management
chapter in the
CLI Reference Guide
. The following table summarizes the equivalent CLI
commands you use.
Local User Database
Use the
Local User Database page to define passwords, access rights for users and reactivate users whose
accounts have been suspended.
To display the Local User Database
page, click System
Management Security
Local User Database
in the tree view.
Table 6-25. Password Constraints Commands
CLI Command Description
passwords aging Implements aging on the passwords such that users are required to
change passwords when they expire.
passwords history Enables the administrator to set the number of previous passwords
that are stored to ensure that users do not reuse their passwords too
passwords lock-out Enables the administrator to strengthen the security of the switch by
enabling the user lockout feature. When a lockout count is configured,
a user who is logging in must enter the correct password within that
passwords min-length Enables the administrator to enforce a minimum length required for a
show passwords configuration Displays the configuration parameters for password configuration.