Configuring Switching Information 313
Displaying IPv6 ACLs
Open the
IPv6 ACL Configuration
Show All
All IP ACLs and their related data display in the
IPv6 ACL Table
Figure 7-16. IPv6 ACL Table
The Summary page has the following fields:
IPv6 ACL Name
— Describes the number ranges for IPv4 ACL standard versus extended. The range
for a standard IP ACL is 1-99. For an extended IP ACL, the ID range is 101-199.
— Shows the number of rules currently configured for the IP ACL.
— Shows the direction of packet traffic affected by the IP ACL, which can be Inbound or
— Shows the interfaces to which the IP ACL applies.
— The VLAN(s) to which the IPv6 ACL applies.
Configuring an IPv6 ACL by Using CLI Commands
For information about the CLI commands that perform this function, see the following chapter in the
CLI Reference Guide
• ACL Commands
The following table summarizes the equivalent CLI commands you use to configure an IPv6 ACL.
Table 7-8. IPv6 ACL Commands
CLI Command Description
ipv6 access-list Creates an IPv6 Access Control List (ACL) consisting of classification
fields defined for the IP header of an IPv6 frame.
show ipv6 access-lists Displays an IPv6 access list (and the rules defined for it).