Configuring System Information 245
Figure 6-109. Copy Files
The Copy Files page contains the following fields:
Copy Master Firmware —
Specifies that a software image file should be copied.
Destination —
The destination unit(s) (within the stack) to which the file is copied. Select from the
menu one of the following values:
All —
All units in the stack.
Unit —
Specified unit within the stack, unit 1 for example.
Copy Configuration —
Specifies that a configuration file should be copied.
Source —
The configuration source file from which the file is copied. Select from the menu one of the
following possible values:
Running Config —
Uploads the running configuration file.
Startup Config —
Uploads the startup configuration file.
Backup Config —
Uploads the backup configuration file.
Destination —
The destination configuration file to which the file is copied. Select from the menu
one of the following:
Startup Config —
The startup configuration file.
Backup Config —
The backup configuration file.
Restore Configuration Factory Default —
Select the radio button and click
Apply Changes
to restore
all configuration structures to the defaults.