Chapter 5 Hardware Initialization API | PCI-DMC-A01 / PCI-DMC-B01
Revised March, 2012 5-3
5.3 _DMC_01_get_CardNo_seq
I16 PASCAL _DMC_01_get_CardNo_seq(U16 CardNo_seq,U16* CardNo)
Retrieves the number of all PCI-DMC-A01 interface cards in the system.
Name Data Type Unit Description
CardNo_seq U16 Number Unit Serial number
CardNo U16* Number Unit
Interface Card No is between 0~15 and is Set
using SW1.
/* When there is only one PCI-DMC-A01 in the system and the SW1 is set to 3, then the Card
No is 3 for that card.
When 2 or more PCI-DMC-A01 are connected to the system, the CardNo will be the SW1
value on the first 1 PCI-DMC-A01 detected. The CardNo of other cards are then acquired
one by one.
For more information about setting SW1, please see PCI-DMC-A01 User Manual Section
1.5.5. */
When one PCI-DMC-A01 is installed in the system:
U16 CardNo_seq = 0;
U16 CardNo;
U16 status = _DMC_01_get_CardNo_seq(CardNo_seq, &CardNo);
When two or more PCI-DMC-A01 are installed in the system:
U16 CardNo_seq = 0;
U16 CardNo;
U16 status;
I16 existCards; //For the value of existCards, please see _DMC_01_open API in Section 5.1
of the Programming Manual.
for(CardNo_seq=0; CardNo_seq <existCards; CardNo_seq ++)
status = _DMC_01_get_CardNo_seq(CardNo_seq, &CardNo);