Chapter 2 Command Return Values and Messages | PCI-DMC-A01 / PCI-DMC-B01
Revised March, 2012 2-1
Chapter 2 Command Return Values
and Messages
2.1 Error Codes
When you use API for PCI-DMC-A01, the function library will generally return one of the
error codes listed in Table 2.1.
If the API function's return value is 0, then the API function was executed successfully. If
the API function returns some other error code, then an error may have occurred during
operation or in the hardware connection. You can troubleshoot the problem by referring to
the error code description.
Table 2.1
Error Return
Error Code Error Description
0 ERR_NoError API executed successfully
3 ERR_CardNoError
Card number error. Please check the number set
by the DIP Switch on the card.
5 ERR_bootmodeErr Unable to boot DSP procedure
6 ERR_downloadcode DSP memory program read/write error
7 ERR_downloadinit DSP memory data read/write error
8 ERR_PCI_boot_first
“_DMC_01_pci_initial” AP function must be
launched first
11 ERR_AxisNoError Axis number error (too large)
12 ERR_IPO_First Must be in IPO mode
13 ERR_Target_reach Target must be in position for Mode 1 operation
14 ERR_Servo_on_first Must be set to Servo on
15 ERR_MPG_Mode
Unable to clear position in Manual Pulse
Generator (MPG) mode
Unable to return acknowledgement when sending
command to module in PDO mode
17 ERR_ConfigFileOpenError Error opening configuration file
18 ERR_Ctrl_value Command code error
19 ERR_Security_Fifo Write error using Security Fpga
20 ERR_Security_Fifo_busy Security Fpga is busy