170 Dialogic
Global Call IP Technology Guide — November 2007
Dialogic Corporation
IP-Specific Operations
4.8.2 Supported Q.931 Message IEs
Table 5 shows the supported Q.931 message Information Elements (IEs), the parameter set ID and
parameter ID that should be included in a GC_PARM_BLK when setting or retrieving the IEs, and
the maximum allowed length of the IE value.
4.8.3 Setting Q.931 Message IEs
The Dialogic
Global Call API library supports the setting of the following Information Elements
(IEs) in the following outgoing Q.931 messages:
• Bearer Capability IE in a SETUP message
• Facility IE in SETUP, CONNECT, and FACILITY messages
The gc_SetUserInfo( ) function is used to set these IEs. The appropriate function parameters in
this context are:
• target_type – GCTGT_GCLIB_CHAN
• target_id – line device
• infoparmblkp – a GC_PARM_BLK containing the IPSET_CALLINFO parameter set ID and
one of the following parameter IDs:
• duration – GC_SINGLECALL (GC_ALLCALLS is not supported in this context)
4.8.4 Retrieving Q.931 Message IEs
The Dialogic
Global Call API library supports the retrieval of the following Information Elements
(IEs) from the following incoming Q.931 messages:
• Bearer Capability IE in a SETUP message
• Facility IE in SETUP, CONNECT, and FACILITY messages
Table 6 shows the Dialogic
Global Call API events generated for incoming Q.931 messages and
the parameter set ID and parameter IDs contained in the GC_PARM_BLK associated with each
Table 5. Supported Q.931 Message Information Elements
IE Name Set/Get Set ID Parameter ID Maximum Length
Bearer Capability Get and Set IPSET_CALLINFO IPPARM_BEARERCAP 255
Note: These parameters are character arrays with the maximum size of the array equal to the maximum
length shown.