Global Call IP Technology Guide — November 2007 451
Dialogic Corporation
The gc_Extension( ) function is only used in the context of a call where the protocol is already
known, therefore the protocol does not need to be specified. When protocol-specific information is
specified and it is not of the correct protocol type, for example, attempting to send a Q.931
FACILITY message in a SIP call, the operation fails.
See the Section 4.5.2, “Examples of Retrieving Call-Related Information”, on page 145 for a code
example showing how to identify the type of extension event and extract the related information.
8.3.9 gc_GetAlarmParm( ) Variances for IP
The gc_GetAlarmParm( ) function can be used to get QoS threshold values. The function
parameter values in this context are:
The media device handle, retrieved using the gc_GetResourceH( ) function. See
Section 4.21.2, “Retrieving the Media Device Handle”, on page 264 for more information.
The alarm source object ID. Set to ALARM_SOURCE_ID_NETWORK_ID.
Must be set to ParmSetID_qosthreshold_alarm.
A pointer to an ALARM_PARM_FIELD structure. The alarm_parm_number field is not used.
The alarm_parm_data field is of type GC_PARM, which is a union. In this context, the type
used is void *pstruct, and is cast as a pointer to an IPM_QOS_THRESHOLD_INFO structure,
which includes an IPM_QOS_THRESHOLD_DATA structure that contains the parameters
representing threshold values. See the IPM_QOS_THRESHOLD_INFO structure in the
IPEXTID_SEND_DTMF Used to send DTMF digits. When this call is successful, the sending side
receives a GCEV_EXTENSIONCMPLT event with the same ext_id. The
remote side receives a GCEV_EXTENSION event with
IPEXTID_RECEIVE_DTMF but only when configured for notification of a
specific type of DTMF. See Section 4.6.1, “Enabling and Disabling
Unsolicited Notification Events”, on page 154 for more information.
This extension ID is not supported in 3PCC operating mode.
IPEXTID_SENDMSG Used to send SIP, H.245, Q.931, and RAS messages. When using this
Extension ID, the first parameter inserted into the GC_PARM_BLK must
be from one of the following parameter sets:
When the gc_Extension( ) function completes successfully, the sending
side receives a GCEV_EXTENSIONCMPLT event with the same ext_id.
The remote side receives a GCEV_EXTENSION event with an ext_id
field value of IPEXTID_RECEIVEMSG.
Table 26. Valid Extension IDs for the gc_Extension( ) Function
Extension ID Description