
582 Dialogic
Global Call IP Technology Guide — November 2007
Dialogic Corporation
IP-Specific Event Cause Codes
IPEC_Q931Cause101MessageNotCompatibleWithCallState (0xc1d, 3101 decimal)
Q.931 cause 101 - Message not compatible with call state; indicates that a message that is
incompatible with the call state has been received.
IPEC_Q931Cause102RecoveryOnTimeExpiry (0xc1e, 3102 decimal)
Q.931 cause 102 - Recovery on timer expiry; indicates that a procedure has been initiated by
the expiry of a timer in association with error handling procedures.
IPEC_Q931Cause111ProtocolErrorUnspecified (0xc27, 3111 decimal)
Q.931 cause 111 - Protocol error, unspecified; used to report a protocol error event only when
no other cause in the protocol error class applies.
IPEC_Q931Cause127InterworkingUnspecified (0xc37, 3127 decimal)
Q.931 cause 127 - Interworking, unspecified; indicates that there has been interworking with a
network that does not provide causes for the actions it takes. Thus, the precise cause for a
message that is being sent cannot be ascertained.
RAS Failure Reasons
IPEC_RASReasonResourceUnavailable (0xfa1, 4001 decimal)
Resources have been exhausted. (In GRJ, RRJ, ARJ, and LRJ messages.)
IPEC_RASReasonInsufficientResources (0xfa2, 4002 decimal)
Insufficient resources to complete the transaction. (In BRJ messages.)
IPEC_RASReasonInvalidRevision (0xfa3, 4003 decimal)
The registration version is invalid. (In GRJ, RRJ, and BRJ messages.)
IPEC_RASReasonInvalidCallSignalAddress (0xa4, 4004 decimal)
The call signal address is invalid. (In RRJ messages.)
IPEC_RASReasonInvalidIPEC_RASAddress (0xfa5, 4005 decimal)
The supplied address is invalid. (In RRJ messages.)
IPEC_RASReasonInvalidTerminalType (0xfa6, 4006 decimal)
The terminal type is invalid. (In RRJ messages.)
IPEC_RASReasonInvalidPermission (0xfa7, 4007 decimal)
Permission has expired. (In ARJ messages.)
A true permission violation. (In BRJ messages.)
Exclusion by administrator or feature. (In LRJ messages.)
IPEC_RASReasonInvalidConferenceID (0xfa8, 4008 decimal)
Possible revision. (In BRJ messages.)
IPEC_RASReasonInvalidEndpointID (0xfa9, 4009 decimal)
The endpoint registration ID is invalid. (In ARJ messages.)
IPEC_RASReasonCallerNotRegistered (0xfaa, 4010 decimal)
The call originator is not registered. (In ARJ messages.)
IPEC_RASReasonCalledPartyNotRegistered (0xfab, 4011 decimal)
Unable to translate the address. (In ARJ messages.)
IPEC_RASReasonDiscoveryRequired (0xfac, 4012 decimal)
Registration permission has expired. (In RRJ messages.)