NS9750 Hardware Reference
D01 R/W ADDM Address mirror
0 Normal memory map
1 Reset memory map. Static memory chip select 1 is mirrored
onto chip select 0 and chip select 4 (reset value on
Indicates normal or reset memory map. On power-on reset, chip
select 1 is mirrored to both chip select 0 and chip select 1/chip select
4 memory areas. Clearing the M bit allows chip select 0 and chip
select 4 memory to be accessed.
D00 R/W MCEN Memory controller enable
0 Disabled
1 Enabled (reset value on
reset_n and HRESETn)
Disabling the memory controller reduces power consumption. When
the memory controller is disabled, the memory is not refreshed. The
memory controller is enabled by setting the enable bit, by AHB, or
by power-on reset.
If you modify this bit, be sure the memory controller is in idle state.
If you modify the E bit, be aware of these conditions:
The external memory cannot be accessed in low-power or
disabled state. If a memory access is performed in either of
these states, an error response is generated.
The memory controller AHB programming port can be
accessed normally.
The memory controller registers can be programmed in low-
power and/or disabled state.
Bits Access Mnemonic Description
Table 138: Control register