BBus Utility
Endian Configuration register
Address: 9060 0080
The Endian Configuration register contains the endian control for the BBus
peripherals and the AHB bus master. NS9750 can be configured such that some
peripherals transfer data in direct mode and some peripherals transfer data in DMA
mode. Those that are accessed in direct mode must have their endian configuration
match the AHB. The endian configuration of the AHB master must always match the
D03 R/W OUTEN 0 Enables the USB output driver during USB loopback
testing. The output driver is enabled only when either
the host or device indicates that it is driving the USB
Writing a 1 enables this feature.
D02 R/W SPEED 1 0 Low speed (1.5 Mbps)
1 Full speed (12 Mbps)
Defines the operational speed of the USB device
D01:00 R/W CFG 11 Configuration
00 USB disabled
01 USB device mode; no software control
10 USB host mode; no software control
11 USB device mode; software control enabled
Defines the operational mode of the USB module.
This field can be modified only when the USB field in
the Master Reset register is asserted (see page 523).
For normal operation, this field should not need to be
Bits Access Mnemonic Reset Description
Table 331: USB Configuration register