BBus Utility Control and Status registers
NS9750 Hardware Reference
USB Configuration register
Address: 9060 0070
The USB Configuration register contains power-on USB configuration information.
Write to this register only when the USB module is in reset, as indicated by the USB
field in the Master Reset register (see page 523).
Register bit assignment
D07 R/W BINT_EN8 0 BBus DMA channel #8 interrupt enable
D06 R/W BINT_EN7 0 BBus DMA channel #7 interrupt enable
D05 R/W BINT_EN6 0 BBus DMA channel #6 interrupt enable
D04 R/W BINT_EN5 0 BBus DMA channel #5 interrupt enable
D03 R/W BINT_EN4 0 BBus DMA channel #4 interrupt enable
D02 R/W BINT_EN3 0 BBus DMA channel #3 interrupt enable
D01 R/W BINT_EN2 0 BBus DMA channel #2 interrupt enable
D00 R/W BINT_EN1 0 BBus DMA channel #1 interrupt enable
Bits Access Mnemonic Reset Description
Table 330: BBus DMA Interrupt Enable register
Bits Access Mnemonic Reset Description
D31:04 R Not used 0x0 Always read as 0x0
Table 331: USB Configuration register
13121110987654321015 14
31 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 1630
Not used
Not used OUTEN