The DVX-7090 Router writes information about calls to files comprised of CDRs (Call
Detail Records). The system generates two types of CDRs:
• User CDRs that contain information about calls involving the user extension. A user
CDR provides data about the call originator and destination, date and time of the
call session start and end, call disconnect reason etc. Each new call entails creation
of a new record with call details.
• Administrator CDRs. Administrator CDRs include summarized call data for all
users configured in the system. The files with CDR summaries are kept for a month.
At the end of the month period the system starts a new file, archives the current
CDR file and sends it to the email address, specified in the Email CDR to field.
The administrator can view CDRs on the CDRs page of the administrator’s web-interface.
Click the CDRs tab to access the CDRs page.
Fig. 34 CDRs look up page
The CDRs page includes two elements, a drop-down list of CDR files (CDR files list ) and a
table of records of the CDR file currently open (Current file CDRs).
The table Current file CDRs displays CDRs of the currently open file only and disappears
whenever any CDR file other than the currently open is selected from the drop-down list.
The column names of the table Current file CDRs have the following intent:
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