Fig. 36 CDR file data imported to Excel
Note: The function for calculating the duration of a call session is =(Cn-Bn)/10,000,000
(seconds), where n denotes the number of a row of cells. For example, the duration of the
call session shown in the first row of the table in Fig. 36 is (C1-B1)/10,000,000 = 19 sec.
4.8.3 LOGS
In addition to CDR files the DVX-7090 Router writes log files designed to keep track of the
system operation and events.. A log is a runtime journal with a listing of all events that occur
on the server during operation of the DVX-7090 Router. The log files are necessary for
debugging purposes.
The Router generates four types of logs:
• Control unit log is a file containing messages generated by the CU during operation.
The file name format is Logic-<YYYY-MM-DD>-<hh-mm-ss>.log, where
YYYY-MM-DD is the year, month and date of the file creation, hh-mm-ss is the
hour, minute and second of the file creation, .log is the filename suffix.
• CU protocol log is a file of messages exchanged by the CU and SU during
operation. The file name format is Protocol-<YYYY-MM-DD>-<hh-mm-ss>.log.
• Switching unit log includes event messages generated by the SU during operation.
The file name format is trace-<YYYY-MM-DD>-<hh-mm-ss>.log.
• SU protocol log comprises signaling messages exchanged by the SU and H.323 or
SIP endpoints. The file name format is log-<YYYY-MM-DD>-<hh-mm-ss>.log.
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