Configuration How-to’s
The Impersonate function allows a caller who enters a specific PIN code to access the
Router‘s services and features configured for the account of the user to which the entered
PIN code belongs.
Suppose, the administrator assigns the Impersonate function key sequence 777. To use the
office phone from a remote location, the user must:
• Dial into the Router
• Dial the DISA number and get the dial tone
• Enter the Impersonate key sequence 777
When outside the system
• Enter the user’s telephone number
• Enter the user’s pin-code and get the dial tone
• Now the user can make calls from the remote location as if being in the
To configure a routing rule for the Impersonate service invoked by dialing 777 followed by
the user’s office phone number or number of some other service:
1. Click
to access the routing table page.
2. Click
to invoke the rule configuration form
3. In the text box Route name of the add-new-route dialog replace the default name Route
#... entering a descriptive name to your liking, for example Impersonate.
4. Select the option Service in the combo box Command
5. Select the name of the service that ensures the Impersonate function from the drop-down
list of service names of the combo box Argument.
6. The source number being of no importance here, leave the edit boxes on the line Source
unchanged. Enter the Impersonate service destination number 777 in the edit box Match
and edit box Pattern followed by a regular expression for whatever number that may be
dialed after 777, i.e. (.*).
7. If necessary, click on the Activity Schedule form and enter time restrictions for
the service accessibility.
8. Click
to add the rule to the routing table.
9. Click
in the column and select in the pop-up menu a group or
groups, the members of which will be eligible to use the Impersonate service:
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