Unied Access Point Administrator’s Guide
Unied Access Point Administrator’s Guide
Page 65
March 2012
Section 5 - Conguring Access Point Services
Section 5 - Conguring Access Point Services
This section describes how to congure services on the UAP and contains the following subsections:
•) “Web Server Settings” on page 65
•) “Conguring SNMP on the Access Point” on page 66
•) “Setting the SSH Status” on page 68
•) “Setting the Telnet Status” on page 69
•) “Conguring Quality of Service” on page 69
•) “Conguring Email Alert” on page 72
•) “Enabling the Time Settings (NTP)” on page 73
Web Server Settings
The AP can be managed through HTTP or secure HTTP (HTTPS) sessions. By default both HTTP and HTTPS access
are enabled. Either access type can be disabled separately.
To congure Web server settings, click Web Server tab.
Figure 33 - Congure Web Server Settings
Field Description
HTTPS Server
Enable or disable access through a Secure HTTP Server (HTTPS).
HTTP Server Status Enable or disable access through HTTP. This setting is independent of the HTTPS server
status setting.
HTTP Port Specify the port number for HTTP trafc (default is 80).
Maximum Sessions When a user logs on to the AP web interface, a session is created. This session is
maintained until the user logs off or the session inactivity timer expires.
Enter the number web sessions, including both HTTP and HTTPs, that can exist at the same
time. The range is 1–10 sessions. If the maximum number of sessions is reached, the next
user who attempts to log on to the AP web interface receives an error message about the
session limit.
Session Timeout Enter the maximum amount of time, in minutes, an inactive user remains logged on to the
AP web interface. When the congured timeout is reached, the user is automatically logged
off the AP. The range is 1–1440 minutes (1440 minutes = 1 day).