Unied Access Point Administrator’s Guide
Unied Access Point Administrator’s Guide
Page 99
March 2012
Section 8 - Conguring Client Quality of Service (QoS)
Field Description
EtherType Select the EtherType eld to compare the match criteria against the value in the header of
an Ethernet frame.
Select an EtherType keyword or enter an EtherType value to specify the match criteria.
Select from List Select
Select one of the following protocol types:
•) appletalk
•) arp
•) ipv4
•) ipv6
•) ipx
•) netbios
•) pppoe
Match to Value
Enter a custom protocol identier to which packets are matched. The value is a four-digit
hexidecimal number in the range of 0600 – FFFF.
Class of Service Select the eld and enter a class of service 802.1p user priority value to be matched for the
packets. The valid range is 0 – 7.
Source MAC
Select this eld and enter the source MAC address to compare against an Ethernet frame.
Source MAC Mask Enter the source MAC address mask specifying which bits in the destination MAC to
compare against an Ethernet frame.
An f indicates that the address bit is signicant, and a 0 indicates that the address bit is to be
ignored. A MAC mask of ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff matches a single MAC address.
Destination MAC
Select this eld and enter the destination MAC address to compare against an Ethernet
Destination MAC
Enter the destination MAC address mask specifying which bits in the destination MAC to
compare against an Ethernet frame.
An f indicates that the address bit is signicant, and a 0 indicates that the address bit is to be
ignored. A MAC mask of ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff matches a single MAC address.
VLAN ID Select the eld and enter a VLAN ID to be matched for packets. The VLAN ID range is 0 –
IPv4 Class Maps
Service Type You can specify one type of service to use in matching packets to class criteria.
IP DSCP To use IP DSCP as a match criteria, select the check box and select a DSCP value keyword
or enter a DSCP.
Select from List
Select from a list of DSCP types.
Match to Value
Enter a DSCP Value to match (0 – 63).
IP Precedence Select this eld to match the packet’s IP Precedence value to the class criteria IP
Precedence value.
The IP Precedence range is 0 – 7.
IP TOS Bits Select this eld and enter a value to use the packet’s Type of Service bits in the IP header
as match criteria.
The TOS bit value ranges between (00 – FF). The high-order three bits represent the IP
precedence value. The high-order six bits represent the IP Differentiated Services Code
Point (DSCP) value.
IP TOS Mask Enter an IP TOS mask value to perform a boolean AND with the TOS eld in the header of
the packet and compared against the TOS entered for this rule.
The TOS Mask can be used to compare specic bits (Precedence/Type of Service) from the
TOS eld in the IP header of a packet against the TOS value entered for this rule. (00 – FF).
Delete Class Map Check to delete the class map selected in the Class Map Name menu. The class map
cannot be deleted if it is already attached to a policy.
Table 54 - DiffServ Class Map
To delete a Class Map, select the Delete Class Map option and click Apply.