Unied Access Point Administrator’s Guide
Unied Access Point Administrator’s Guide
Page 89
March 2012
Section 8 - Conguring Client Quality of Service (QoS)
Field Description
Client QoS Mode Enable or disable QoS operation on the VAP selected in the VAP menu.
QoS must be enabled globally (from the Client QoS Global Admin Mode eld) and on the
VAP (QoS Mode eld) for the Client QoS settings to be applied to wireless clients.
Bandwidth Limit
Enter the maximum allowed transmission rate from the AP to the wireless client in bits per
second. The valid range is 0 – 429496000 bits/sec.
The value you enter must be a multiple of 8000 bits/sec, in other words, the value must be
n × 8000 bits/sec, where n = 0, 1, 2, 3... If you attempt to set the limit to a value that is not
a multiple of 8000 bits/sec, the conguration will be rejected. A value of 0 means that the
bandwidth maximum limit is not enforced in this direction.
Bandwidth Limit Up Enter the maximum allowed client transmission rate to the AP in bits per second. The valid
range is 0 – 4294967295 bps.
The value you enter must be n × 8000 bits/sec, where n = 0, 1, 2, 3... If you attempt to set
the limit to a value that is not a multiple of 8000 bits/sec, the conguration will be rejected. A
value of 0 means that the bandwidth maximum limit is not enforced in this direction.
ACL Type Down Select the type of ACL to apply to trafc in the outbound (down) direction, which can be one
of the following:
•) IPv4: The ACL examines IPv4 packets for matches to ACL rules
•) IPv6: The ACL examines IPv6 packets for matches to ACL rules
•) MAC: The ACL examines layer 2 frames for matches to ACL rules
ACL Name Down Select the name of the ACL applied to trafc in the outbound (down) direction.
After switching the packet or frame to the outbound interface, the ACL’s rules are checked
for a match. The packet or frame is transmitted if it is permitted, and discarded if it is denied.
ACL Type Up Select the type of ACL to apply to trafc in the inbound (up) direction, which can be one of
the following:
•) IPv4: The ACL examines IPv4 packets for matches to ACL rules
•) IPv6: The ACL examines IPv6 packets for matches to ACL rules
•) MAC: The ACL examines layer 2 frames for matches to ACL rules
ACL Name Up Select the name of the ACL applied to trafc entering the AP in the inbound (up) direction.
When a packet or frame is received by the AP, the ACL’s rules are checked for a match. The
packet or frame is processed if it is permitted, and discarded if it is denied.
DiffServ Policy
Select the name of the DiffServ policy applied to trafc from the AP in the outbound (down)
DiffServ Policy Up Select the name of the DiffServ policy applied to trafc sent to the AP in the inbound (up)
Table 52 - VAP QoS Parameters
Managing Client QoS ACLs
ACLs are a collection of permit and deny conditions, called rules, that provide security by blocking unauthorized
users and allowing authorized users to access specic resources. ACLs can block any unwarranted attempts to reach
network resources.
The UAP supports up to 50 IPv4, IPv6, and MAC ACLs.
IPv4 and IPv6 ACLs
IP ACLs classify trafc for Layers 3 and 4.
Each ACL is a set of up to 10 rules applied to trafc sent from a wireless client or to be received by a wireless client.
Each rule species whether the contents of a given eld should be used to permit or deny access to the network.
Rules can be based on various criteria and may apply to one ore more elds within a packet, such as the source or
destination IP address, the source or destination L4 port, or the protocol carried in the packet.