Configuring VLANs
Defining VLAN Groups
Page 139
Defining VLAN Protocol Ports
The Protocol Group Page adds interfaces to Protocol groups. To define VLAN protocol ports:
1. Click Advaned Setup > VLAN > Protocol Port. The VLAN Protocol Port Page opens.
Figure 83: VLAN Protocol Port Page
The VLAN Protocol Port Page contains the following fields:
• Interface - Indicates the interfaces to which the protocol group is added. The possible field values are:
• Protocol Group ID – Defines the Protocol group ID to which the interface is added. Protocol group IDs are
denied in the Protocol Group Table.
• VLAN ID (1-4095) – Attaches the interface to a user-defined BLAN ID. The VLAN I is defined on the Create a
New VLAN page. Protocol ports can either be attached to a VLAN ID or a VLAN name.
• Remove – Removes the port assignment from a VLAN or protocol group. The possible field values are:
– Checked – Removes the selected interface from the protocol group.
– Unchecked – Maintains the interface within the protocol group
2. Click . The VLAN Protocol Port Setting Page opens.