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iQ Series, Ultrasonic Generator/Power Supply LS User’s Manual
Dukane Manual Part No. 403-574-01
System Parameter Settings
This section provides the default system settings
programmed at the factory. Some of these system
parameter settings are dependent on the nominal
system operating frequency while other parameters are
independent of the frequency. The default settings should
work with over 90% of the ultrasonic loads and welding
applications that might be encountered. In some cases,
adjusting the system setup parameters might enable the
system to drive difcult or unusual loads, which would
not be possible with the standard system settings.
In addition to the default system parameter settings, a list
of user-adjustable settings is included.
Table 5 - I Default Frequency Dependent Settings
Default System Parameter Settings
Default Frequency Dependent Settings
Setting Description 15kHz 20kHz 30kHz 40kHz
Free Running Frequency Setting (Hz) 15,000 19,900 30,000 40,000
Upper Frequency Limit Setting (Hz) 15,400 20,400 30,500 40,500
Lower Frequency Limit Setting (Hz) 14,600 19,400 29,500 39,500
Ramp-up Time Setting (sec.) 0.250 0.150 0.100 0.050
Phase Delay Setting (degrees) 0°
Default Frequency Independent Settings
Setting Description Default Setting for All Frequencies
Amplitude Setting for Weld and Test (Percent) 100% (maximum user adjustment limit)
Output Activation Duration Process Status Maintained (activates until next weld cycle starts)
Cycle Start Input Delay Time Solid State (0.0msec. delay time)
Programmable Status Output #1 Default Assignment OVERTEMP Status (J3 Pin 4 System Output)
Programmable Status Output #2 Default Assignment Hold Status (J3 Pin 5 System Output)
An ultrasonic stack will not operate if the
mechanical resonance is outside of the
frequency limits.
Table 5 - II Default Frequency Independent Settings