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Section 10 - Options
Dukane Manual Part No. 403-574-01
To enable the thruster, Pins 3 and 9 must be shorted
together through a safety circuit (see Table 10-V) during
normal operation.
During an abort or emergency stop condition, the connection
between Pins 3 and 9 must open to disable movement of
the thruster. In addition to opening the connection between
Pins 3 and 9, Pins 4 and 7 must be shorted together to alert
the process controller of the condition.
The accessory cable for J5 is Part No. 200-1413-XX.
The accessory cable for J6 is Part No. 200-1546-XX
(where XX is a length designation).
Isolated I/O Conversion
Part Number - 110- 4397
The Isolated I/O Conversion Module is a solid-state, DIN
rail-mounted module that can be used to convert an iQ’s
NPN (sinking) outputs to PNP (sourcing) outputs.
This module should be used in place of relays if the
mechanical life of relays in the automated machine is
a concern. Each of the four channels are completely
isolated from each other and can also be used to convert
PNP signals to NPN, or to convert +5V TTL signals to
+24V levels.
Three examples of conversion possibilities are shown on
the pages that follow:
• NPN to PNP, Figure 10-17
• PNP to NPN, Figure 10-18, and
• +5V to +24 V PNP, Figure 10-19