2.7 To adjust the FadeTime and StepTime for an Fx, push the FD/ST Time key. The FD/ST key will
illuminate: Red representing FadeTime and yellow representing StepTime. Adjust the StepRate Fader
to set the Fade/Step time as desired.
2.8 Push Fx1 again to complete.
2.9 Push Record to exit Record Mode.
3. How to Edit a Scene
In Record Fx Mode, push the Key of the desired Fx to be edited. The Bump indicators will illuminate
with a flashing red. Push the Fader of the Bumps you want to edit. Push the FD/ST key and its’ Fader
or StepRate Fader to set your value (Fadetime and Steptime). Push the Step key to Record the value
to the current Step. Repeat these actions for any additional Steps desired you want to edit.
After editing is completed, press the Fx button of the Fx you are working on to record the value.
Repeat these actions for all Fx.
4. How to Trigger FX
After the recording is complete, the Fx channels that have recorded sequences will illuminate red.
Press the Fx Key of the desired Fx- the indicator will illuminate and blink yellow. Press the Go/Stop
key to begin the Fx. The Fx key will then blink red and run in sequence (Runstep).
To stop the Fx from running, press the Fx key again. The indicator will blink yellow. Press the Go/
Stop key again to stop the sequence and the indicator will return to a sold red illumination.
*Note - A maximum of 12 Chases may run at the same time with 99 Steps per Chase.
5. How to Delete Fx
In Record Fx mode, Press the B key to choose Del FxBase. Choose the Fx you wish to Delete by
pressing the corresponding Fx key. Press the A key to confirm or the C key to cancel.
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