Elation Professional® www.elationlighting.com - Trio-1248 - Page 8
3.5 Controls & Functions
1. Key 1-24 and Key 25-48: Used to select Conventional Par’s page.
2. Bump Keys 1-24 (25-48 depending on page): Individual bump for channel relevant channel.
3. Single Scene: Used to enter Single Scene Mode.
4. Two Scene: Used to enter Two Scene Mode.
5. ML (Moving Light): Used to enter Moving Light Mode.
6. LED: Used to enter LED Mode.
7. Mem. Playback: Used to enter Memory Playback Mode.
8. Next: Used in conjunction with Preset A & B faders, Single Scene Mode, for manual Scene Cross
9. Record: Used to record presets and submasters.
10. EXT 1-4: EXT Keys are user assignable keys that give the option to assign a single channel as a
Latch or Momentary. Latch acting as an On/Off and Momentary acting as a momentary bump.
(Example: a Fog Machine, Strobe or Blinder can be set as “Momentary” so the effect will be active
while the relevant EXT key is pressed).
11. Menu: Used to set up each parameter such as DMX channel patch, Fixture patch, update soft-
ware, lock memory, etc...
12. FX key: Works in conjunction with FX keys 1-12. When the FX key is pressed, Conventional Par
Chases can be played back by pressing FX keys 1-12. FX chases 1-12 (Conventional Par Chases)
must first be programmed by the user.
13. FX Keys 1-12: are multi function keys that can be used to store/playback Conventional Par
Chases, store/trigger Playbacks when in DMX Base mode, and enter numeral information such as
Passwords when in the Menu.
14. Clear Buffer: Clears the programmer.
15. DMX Base: Works in conjunction with FX keys 1-12. When the DMX Base key is pressed,
Programs 1-12 can be played back by pressing FX keys 1-12. The DMX Base programs, can only
consist of recorded data uploaded from an external DMX console. All 12 chases can run simultane-
16. FD/ST Time key: This is a multi function key. FD represents “Fade Time”. When Fade Time is
active, its key will illuminate Red. ST represents “Step Time”. When Step Time is active, its key will
illuminate Yellow. Fade and Step times can be adjusted by moving the “Step Rate” fader.
17. Step key: Used to store steps while programming FX 1-12 (Conventional Par Chases) and to
manually step through ML and LED program steps.
18. Go/Stop: Used to start/stop playback of FX 1-12 (Conventional Par Chases).
19. Solo key: Works in conjunction with the “Flash Level” fader. When in Single and Two Scene
modes, pressing bump keys 1-24, will give you temporary output override based on the Flash Level
fader setting.
20. Faders 1-24 (25-48 depending on active page): Each fader can be soft-patched to control one or
more channels. i.e. - Fader 1 can control channels 1,5,10 & 20 simultaneously.
21. Preset A and Preset B faders: Work in Single and Two Scene Preset modes. In Single scene
mode, these faders are used to activate the “Next” function. In Two Scene mode, these faders con-
trol Preset A & B intensities for channels 1-12 & 13-24.
22. Flash Level: Represents the max bump output value for all Conventional Par channels.
23. Step Rate: Used to set hold and fade times for all programs during record process and during
24. Grandmaster: Controls output of entire console at all times.