Elation Professional® www.elationlighting.com - Trio-1248 - Page 19
4.4 ML Mode (Moving Light)
4.4.1 Concept
A maximum of 12 Moving Lights can be controlled by the Trio-1248. A maximum of 40 attributes for
each moving light and a maximum of 512 channels of DMX output can be assigned.
A maximum of 20 Playback can be recorded with 99 Steps for each Playback. Each Step has its own
FadeTime and WaitTime
The Bank of the moving light is saved at: TRIO1248/FLIB. The first level is the file of the moving light
manufacturer. The second level is the file of the moving light from the manufacturer.
4.4.2 Menu
In ML Mode, press the Menu key and the LCD will display:
1. Patching Moving Light Fixtures
Each ML fixture needs to be assigned to a preset fader on the console. This makes it easier to con-
trol each specific fixture.
The bottom fader and the buttons below them are called the handle for the fixture because it is used
to control the fixture. The fader will control the intensity of the fixture and the button is used while
programming to select the fixture.
You must also specify what type of fixture is allocated to each handle. Once you have entered this
information, the console can tell you the DMX address to set on your fixtures to match the settings it
is using.
This setup process is called Patching.
You can Patch up to 12 fixtures on the Trio-1248.
1.1 Patching Moving Light Fixtures
A Moving Light can have many attributes such as pan, tilt, color, gobo etc.
The Trio-1248 has personality files available for most fixtures in the lighting world. Both these and
the latest software are available on elationlighting.com on the Trio-1248 page. The user must upload
these files with a USB Flash Drive.
The Trio-1248 will automatically recognize the personality profiles as previosly named. Due to this
fact the user should never rename the profile as this will render the console unable to recognize and
retrieve the profile.
The user may patch a fixture by following the steps below.
-Make sure you have inserted a USB Flash Drive with the fixture profiles stored on it.
-Press Menu and the LCD will display: