
Emerson Process Management GmbH & Co. OHG7-30
Instruction Manual
7.4.3 Advanced Calibration Notes on Span Calibrating Channels With Multiple Ranges
X-STREAM XE series gas analyzers sup-
port up to 4 ranges per measuring channel
For valve supported calibrations, each range
can be assigned an individual span gas val-
ve ( 6-37 and gure to the left).
During calibrations, ranges are considered
in a special way:
Ranges not assigned a span gas valve are
disregarded for span procedures.
The main order of span calibrations is
based on ascending order of channels:
Firstly the channel 1 valves are selected
in ascending order, then the (not yet used)
valves of channel 2, etc., considering the
next two conditions, saving time and gas
Ranges of the same channel with the
same valve assigned: Only one range is
span calibrated, and the resulting data is
copied into the other range.
Ranges of different channels with the
same valve assigned are calibrated in
parallel, considering the individual purge
Except for copied data, all calibration steps
can be reviewed in the event logger le.
Valve assignment 2of3
Span1 valve: V1
Purge time: 1 s
Span2 valve: V1
Purge time: 5 s
Span3 valve: V4
Purge time: 5 s
Span4 valve: V4
Purge time:
2 s
Channel Range 1 Range 2 Range 3 Range 4
1 V1 V1 V4 V4
2 V1 V2 V4 V4
3 V4 V2 V5 --
4 V5 V5 V5 V5
Step Valve Calibrated channel / range (Cn / Rn)
1 V1 Ch1 / R1
Ch 1 / R2
(R1 data copied)
Ch2 / R1
2 V4 Ch1 / R3
Ch1 / R4
(R3 data copied)
Ch2 / R3
Ch2 / R4
(R3 data copied)
Ch3 / R2
3 V2 Ch2 / R2 Ch3 / R2
4 V5 Ch3 / R3 Ch4 / R1 (Ch4 / R1 data copied to all remaining Ch4 ranges)
Span gas valves conguration
Resulting span calibration procedure, focusing on handling of ranges